
Thomas Krueger

Team Lead and Lead Developer - Human-Robot Interaction Lab | European Space Agency South Holland, Netherlands
Thomas Krueger


Thomas Krueger received his PhD from the University of Rostock in the field of lab automation in 2008. He leads since 2016 ESA's Human Robot Interaction Lab, researching advanced robot teleoperation for space. The technologies developed by the lab have been tested in ISS experiments like ANALOG-1 and Surface Avatar where the focus is on the control of multiple heterogenous robots for future space exploration scenarios.



Lessons from Outer Space: What the ESA Interplanetary Rover Can Teach Us About Teleoperations For Autonomous Vehicles

Stan Schneider
Stan Schneider Real-Time Innovations (RTI) Chief Executive Officer Speaker
Thomas Krueger
Thomas Krueger European Space Agency Team Lead and Lead Developer - Human-Robot Interaction Lab Speaker

#Aerospace, #Autonomous Vehicles, #Robotics, #Transportation

23-05-2024 13:35 23-05-2024 14:05 Europe/Madrid Lessons from Outer Space: What the ESA Interplanetary Rover Can Teach Us About Teleoperations For Autonomous Vehicles Teleoperation can speed deployment of autonomous vehicles by decades. In low-speed urban settings, unexpected situations that stop the cars is the key blocker to wider use. While new to our roads, robotics applications have used remote guidance for many years. They offer lessons in communications, direction, and user interfaces.This session will demonstrate an autonomous robot that uses human guidance to operate at great distances. It will feature a live demonstration from the IoTSWC stage controlling a vehicle at the European Space Agency lab in Brussels. Room 1
Thu 23 13:35h - 14:05h Room 1

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
